
We’re serious about what we do. We also have fun.

There are as many reasons to sign up for an Antarctica voyage as there are people who do. But one thing people universally say when they return to port is that ours was one of the most fun trips they’ve ever been on. We’re proud of that. By day 3 the kayakers all know each other by name, the photography buffs are sharing astounding iceberg photographs with our photography coach and each other, dinners have become lively, celebratory affairs, and even our tight knit kitchen crew has a personality (and a song) all their own.


An uninhabited continent opens its doors for one incredible night.

Kayaking in Antarctica


See Antarctica from a penguin’s point of view.

Citizen Science

Making a difference, one guest at a time.

Kayaking in Antarctica


Award-winning coaches for every skill level and camera.